JAMSBio, the Internet's leading music magazine, recently publishes the first chapter of author Tom Grasty’s taut thriller inspired by the life and music of Bob Dylan.
Tom Grasty was interviewed Saturday, May 10, 2008, on San Francisco's KPOO by Donald Lacy, host of the long-running "Wake Up Everybody." Mr. Grasty discussed his new rock n' roll murder-mystery, BLOOD ON THE TRACKS.
Tom Grasty signed his debut novel, Blood on the Tracks, at the LA Festival of Books Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27, 2008.
The LA Festival of Books takes place the last weekend in April on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles. For more info on this year's festival, visit the Festival's website.
It's been said you can't go home again. Well, that axiom apparently hasn't held up for Tom Grasty, author of the recently released rock n' roll murder-mystery, BLOOD ON THE TRACKS.
From 1983-86, 'home' was Phillips Exter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. And this April, his old alumni magazine, The Exeter Bulletin, made Tom feel quite at home when fellow alumnus, Ali T. Kokmen, took a little time to review Tom's novel.
A 15-year veteran of the book publishing industry, Ali T. Kokmen currently works for RandomHouse as the marketing manager for their Del Rey line of graphic novels and manga.
For a full copy of the review, click on the image above.
Tom Grasty's new novel, Blood on the Tracks, will be available at the upcoming exhibit, "Bob Dylan's American Journey, 1956–1966" (February 8 through June 8, 2008) at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles.
For more information on "Bob Dylan's American Journey, 1956-1966" click on the image below:
For more information on the Skirball Center click on the image below:
For more information on Blood on the Tracks, keep reading.
Founded in 1997, by Chicago-area music fanatic Christopher Thelen (a.k.a. Bob Pierce), The Daily Vault reviews music of all genres and from all eras, including CD reviews, concert reviews, artist interviews, and now...the new novel by Tom Grasty, Blood on the Tracks.
In addition to being a writer, Tom Grasty also teaches writing. And the school where he teaches it, California State University, Fullerton, is now writing about him.
In a bit of verbal acrobatics, Hodgson writes: "Tom Grasty has actually written a book called Blood on the Tracks that isn’t about Bob Dylan, but alludes to him. That means Tom’s book never actually mentions Bob Dylan, but Blood on the Tracks; a Dylan album, like duh!"
To read (or listen to) the entire entry on how Grasty 'alluded' to Dylan in his new novel, go to Podictionary. If you're interested in learning more about the roots of the words you only thought you knew, subscribe to Podictionary's daily blog, daily podcast or weekly podcast.
It seems Blood is beginning to seep across the Web.
Obviously, Tom Grasty is a fan of Bob Dylan. Now, it seems, others are using Grasty's new novel, Blood on the Tracks, to demonstrate their devotion to Dylan as well.
About a week ago, members of an online Bob Dylan community called 'The Never Ending Pool' began collaborating on their own homage to the elusive rock star. Using Blood on the Tracks as inspiration, and characters from Dylan's 1966 classic album, "Blonde on Blonde," as context, they started writing some fiction of their own.
Not sure if they've agreed on a title yet, but what they have so far is 'dripping' with some killer Dylan references. Check out the first 'chapter' here.